Monthly Archives: March 2019

Water Damage Repair and Two Dozen Eggs

What a day it’s been. Every since we bought the place we currently live in there’s been an issue where whenever it rains hard one of the corners of our houses gets all damp. Tried to resolve the issue like … Continue reading

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Back to Normal?

Well, not quite. My mom came back from her trip to Taiwan to visit family, which means I was finally released from my cat sitting her tortie duty. That cat is really too much for us to live with. She … Continue reading

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Giving Buried Instincts Away for Free

Today, I’m running a 24 hour promotion where anyone can go on Amazon and get the novel for free. I’ve been so busy posting on this website, and filling out forms and that website, that I almost forgot to announce … Continue reading

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Buried Instincts Now Available in Paperback!

Well, it was more work than I thought it’d be, but after tackling weird formatting discrepancies, working with my cover artist on trying to get the cover just so, and two rounds of looking at proofs, the book looks good! … Continue reading

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